Rectilinear Planar Layouts of Planar Graphs and Bipolar Orientations

Report ID: TR-007-85
Author: Rosenstiehl, Pierre / Tarjan, Robert E.
Date: 1985-07-00
Pages: 19
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We propose a linear-time algorithm for generating a planar layout of a planar graph. Each vertex is represented by a horizontal line segment and each edge by a vertical line segment. All endpoints of the segments have integer co-ordinates. The total space occupied by the layout is at most n by at most 2n - 4. Our algorithm, a variant of one by Otten and van Wijk, generally produces a more compact layout than theirs and allows the dual of the graph to be laid out in an interlocking way. The algorithmis based on the concept of a bipolar orientation. We discuss relationships among the bipolar orientations of a planar graph.