Art, in various forms, has been around for about 50,000 years.
Computer Graphics has been around for about 50. Both aim (at least in
part) to create pictures, often for the purpose of generating some
reaction in the mind of the viewer. Graphics, with its late start, and
hence the advantage of reusing prior methods, should be a strong
competitor, but so far art seems to be winning: artists, with a few
pen strokes, can create a more vivid and lasting impression than can
graphics programs using millions of pixels. That's because until a
decade ago researchers in graphics had taken very little from art;
arguably the primary knowledge transfer was the idea and mathematics
of perspective.
In this talk, I'll discuss an idiosyncratic view of some basic
techniques of art: that these tehcniques involve ``spoofing''
of the human visual system, and that researchers in graphics,
by understanding how this is done, can make better pictures
based on an understanding of human perception. I'll illustrate with
examples from recent research both from Brown and from other places.
I'll also discuss a less obvious notion --- that using ideas
from art, we may be able to improve not just \emph{output} techniques,
but \emph{input} techniques as well.
Date and Time
Wednesday November 14, 2001 4:00pm -
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Event Type
Spike Hughes, from Brown University
Thomas Funkhouser