Human cognition still sets the standard we aspire to in many areas of machine learning, including problems such as identifying causal relationships, acquiring and using language, and learning concepts from a small number of examples. In these cases, human and machine learning can establish a mutually beneficial relationship: we can use the formal tools developed in machine learning to provide insights into human learning, and translate those insights into new machine learning systems. I will use the case of causal induction to illustrate the value of this approach, but also highlight some applications in language and concept learning. I will also argue that the same kind of mutually beneficial relationship could potentially exist between developing data-intensive approaches to cognitive science and making sense of large volumes of behavioral data in computer science.
Human and machine learning
Date and Time
Friday January 15, 2016 12:30pm -
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Event Type
Computer Science Department and The Center for Statistics and Machine Learning
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